First Haircut…

Well it is about that time. Sarah’s 2nd birthday is rapidly approaching…her bangs are long and scraggily…AND we are having family pictures done at the beach tommorrow…So I decided it was time for her first haircut.

Now let me just say I am NOT a professional hairstylist in any way, shape or form. But I thought I could handle a few snips across her forehead… I mean how difficult could it be? Right??? Besides—I find it ridiculous to pay someone $20 to cut so little hair…

So I gathered up all my supplies, gave Sarah her bath and decided to get clipping…She must have known what I was about to do–and she was NOT happy about it!!! I managed to get her somewhat restrained in her highchair (which she never uses anymore šŸ˜¦ )

Well the pic on the left is before we started….her bangs were actually longer than they lok in the pic…..then the one on the right…lol….what can I say??? I tried! She was very upset at me in that pic…her bangs are a tad bit too short…in the pic they look like they are crooked—but I assure they really are not…must have been a bad angle….it looks much better now a few days after this incident!!


4 Responses to “First Haircut…”

  1. MamaKBear Says:

    I always cut Destiny’s bangs on the short side…that way I don’t have to cut them again in a week or so! She’s pretty good about sitting still, but she’s older than Sarah.

    Meghan, on the other hand, I just have to keep hers pulled up out of her face…I don’t dare try to cut hers right now! And I AM a professional! Well, I was…I let my license expire, but I still know how to cut hair! šŸ™‚

    BTW…you did a great job!

  2. Tamara Says:

    hey – you TRIED!! She’s so lovely, no one’s really looking at her hair anyway. What a sad face she made! OK, you are more brave than I am…

  3. Robin Says:

    She looks beautiful!

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